XLII. P.S.I. Auction: 24 hours until the live presentation

XLII. P.S.I. Auction: 24 hours until the live presentation

Ankum — This Saturday at 6 pm (CET) our team will present the 2021 P.S.I. dressage collection under saddle and show off their talent and quality for the sport. 

You can watch the presentation in the comfort of your own home, a livestream will be available on our website.

Watch online: Livestream on psi-auktion.de

Our hosts are looking forward to giving you an insight into the training progress and development of the horses. Ullrich Kasselmann will be the German presenter, Francois Kasselmann and Christoph Koschel will provide the English live commentary for our international viewers.

Until the P.S.I. Auction on 11 December, there is still the opportunity to try out the horses on site after making an appointment with our sales managers. If it is not possible for you to travel or to come to Ankum yourself, our team is of course at your disposal by phone, WhatsApp, Skype or Facetime. We can also introduce the auction candidates to you in this way. Please get in touch via the contact numbers below. 


Office – P.S.I. Auction Centre Ankum: +49 (0) 5462 74230

Ullrich Kasselmann: +49 (0) 5462 74230

Francois Kasselmann: +49 (0) 171 4969865

Bianca Kasselmann: +49 (0) 5462 74230

Michael Holtgers: +49 (0) 171 6210275

Hartmut Lammers: +49 (0) 160 919 00489

Ulrich Henschke: +49 (0) 171 7040477

Insa Hansen: +49 (0) 172 4556216

Frederic Wandres: +49 (0) 171 338 76 87